Balkan Shiatsu Summit (BSS)

12+ Balkan countries and all practitioners are invited to the first ever Shiatsu Summit in this region of Europe. Join us, uniting Balkans countries for a transformative Shiatsu experience and knowledge sharing.

Chris McAlister is a Shiatsu and acupuncture practitioner with nearly 40 years of experience. He studied for long periods in the Far East, mostly in Japan and China,where Chinese herbs, Qigong and martial arts were among the other subjects he
explored. He teaches nternationally and has published two books: Touching the Invisible and The Poetry of Touch. He is currently president of the European Shiatsu Federation (ESF).
Read his interview here.

Fabian Bastiannelli is a famous teacher coming from Belgium who founded Odo Shiatsu School. He has a long experience with the Marvellous Vessels and teach it through Europe. But this time he will come to teach abdominal diagnostic in relationship with the Five Elements.
See his website here.

Ivan Bel is a Shiatsu teacher that travels all around the globe to promote Shiatsu and a martial artist. He founded Ryoho Shiatsu, Mission Shiatsu Humanitaire (NGO), 2 schools in Belgium, 1 in Malawi and now he is teaching in Sarajevo, Bosnia. He has a long habit and efficient technics for belly diagnostic, Anpuku and Chineitsang. He published The Spirit of Shiatsu (French, Italian and English). He is currently an international teacher of Shiatsu and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
Read his interview here.

Ibro Sulejmanovic is a bosnian physiotherapist, also trained in manual osteopathic techniques and specialized in naturopathy, acupunture, chinese medicine and ayurveda. In his work he practices an integrative medical approach and works with various pathologies. He is also an assistant-teacher of Ryoho Shiatsu group and his currently teaching anatomy and physiology in Bosnia Shiatsu School.
See his FB profile here.