Back diagnosis

The class with Chris McAlister will focus on the area of the back. He will begin its exploration with the Shu points that run down the main muscle of the back, parallel with the spine and on the Urinary Bladder meridian. These are classic diagnosis and treatment points which create a map of the entire Triple Heater energy system. Then, he will transfer the knowledge and experience gained with diagnostic to points lying on the Governor Vessel, in between the vertebrae, on the spine. Finally, all of the knowledge gained will be transfered to the outer Bladder channel and in doing so be able to create organic cross zones that flow laterally across the back. Some of the information we receive from this method will be physical, but much of it will relate to mental, emotional or psycho-spiritual aspects of the human experience.
Pulse diagnosis

The radial chinese pulse seems a huge a complicated aspect of the diagnosis. But Ivan Bel is going to summarise this approach in such a way as to make it accessible even to beginners, so that everyone can quickly understand, feel the radial pulse and, above all, know how to use it. During this class, you’ll quickly learn to spot imbalances in the meridians and organs. The pulse is extremely reactive and you’ll be able to see its changes before, during and after the right treatment. Thanks to pulse diagnosis, you’ll be adding a major tool that will quickly become indispensable and will be enriched over the years of practice.
Abdominal diagnosis

Fabian Bastianelli will focus on the abdominal area. For the Japanese, the hara, the belly, is a very important zone. We don’t approach it innocently. It’s the energy center of the person. In this workshop, you will explore how to approach the abdominal area, how to diagnose the body tensions. You will learn the 5 elements abdominal diagnosis and how to link and use this with the meridians. You will learn this with Source points (Yuan), where they are, how to fell it, and how to use it in relation to the diagnosis of abdominal areas.
Postural diagnosis

Ibro Sulejmanovic will teach about postural diagnostic. He will focus on the spine and hips issues that cause a lot of pain, and their corrective treatments. Knowing how to identify the type of mechanical problem in this central structure of the body and how to treat it correctly is one of the keys to success for the Shiatsu practitioner. Through practical examples, you will learn how proper posture analysis contributes to pain prevention and pain management, improved body functionality, and movement optimization.
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